Our challenge ?
Go faster than the milking robot!

There are some 14,000 milking robots in France. It took more than 50 years to go from the first prototypes to the first equipped farm in the early 1990s, then to the growing investment by farmers in the 2000s. Deploying GREEN LOGIX faster than the milking robot, that's the one of our challenges.
To do this, we work on four axes, our value of service quality encompassing everything:

- mentalities: taking the step of adopting a new technology requires time for questioning, discussion, appropriation: this is the reason why we devote a lot of time to answering farmers' questions and which we use a lot pedagogy in our exchanges;

- trust: the farmer has a strong expectation of a guarantee of proper functioning, which we find completely justified: this is why we waited several years before launching GREEN LOGIX: five years, which allow us to strongly affirm that GREEN LOGIX works: and we can prove it;

- the economic model: with a formula that includes an optimized installation cost and a subscription formula that includes equipment rental, the farmer minimizes his risks and has the assurance of benefiting from equipment that is always operational;

-efficiency: one of the strengths of peasant common sense is to invest in pragmatic, concrete, efficient things. By reducing operating costs, saving working time and securing production, GREEN LOGIX meets these criteria.

 With these four drivers, we are working to ensure that GREEN LOGIX is known to as many people as possible and can be quickly adopted by agricultural stakeholders. It took 50 years for the milking robot to reach farms: what if we took on this challenge in less than 5 years? Unrealistic? Likely ? Plausible? What do you think ?

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
Henry FORD